The elite athletes started the day's business at 6am and the pace was blistering from the onset of the opening 3km run leg, with the field quickly strung out. A trio of Middleditch, Clifford Scott and teenage superstar Bret Izzo were responsible for the damage and such was the pace set, by the 1km mark they already had a significant gap over the rest. They stayed tightly together for most of the run but a closing spurt from Middleditch gave him an edge as they approached T1. Izzo and Scott, had quicker transitions, though, and the three were together again as they rolled onto the F1 track for the 20km cycling leg. A third of each 5km bike lap took place on the Singapore Grand Prix circuit, which gave the competitors the thrill of treading where Vettel, Hamilton, Alonso and Co race every September.
Go to http://metasprintseries.com/race-report03202014.php to read the full report