Despite Singapore students routinely sitting at, or near the top of international examination rankings, the Singapore education system continues to draw a fair bit of flak from parents, even expatriate ones.
The majority of parents who are foreigners still prefer to enrol their children in international schools. Rightly or wrongly, a perception exists, especially among those families from Western countries, that the Singapore education system is too tough.
My wife and I never even considered a Singapore public school for our son, mainly because we thought we would only be here for two or three years before settling in Sydney, Australia. That was nine years ago. So after a year in a Singapore preschool, we enrolled our son at the Australian International School, where he receives what we consider to be a very good, if very expensive, education. He is 13 now, but I’ve often wondered how he would have fared at a Singapore school.
However, many expats have done more than wonder at what it would be like – they have enrolled their children in Singapore schools.
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