I did a bit too much today and spent too much time NOT lying on the couch and so my knee suffered a bit. It wasn't as if I walked around all day, I was mostly at home, but I was active pretty much the whole day and so my leg wasn't iced or elevated as much as it should be. Yet despite all that and then going out for a few drinks with the Mavs this evening, my knee still feels and looks pretty good. I'm hugely encouraged by this.
What was interesting this evening was that my friends were trying to work out how I could be out and about without any crutches just nine days after knee surgery. We talked it through and we surmised that in addition to the relatively non-invasive nature of arthorosocpy, that being in good shape to begin most likely gave me a head start.
I knew I needed the op four weeks before it happened but Christmas and an unexpected but necessary week in Oz just after the new year meant the surgery was delayed until January 22nd. However, by visiting my physio pre-op I was instructed in a number of exercises that would help kickstart the rehab process before it even began. And touch wood, it looks like that decision is paying off.
Pre-op I had accepted that it would probably be two weeks before I could even sit on a indoor bike, but when visiting my doc just five days post-surgery and him noting the better-than-expected angle of my knee bend and minimal swelling, he gave me the green light to do some gentle spinning.
I had intended to do another gentle 20-minute spin on the indoor bike today, but an unexpected and time-sensitive family chore saw me have no choice but to get on my fixie for a short journey; Ruth had the car and it being Chinese New Year's Eve, it was proving impossible to call a cab.
Being mindful of the knee I rode very cautiously. The end result was family crisis averted and my knee survived the ahead-of-schedule test. Which makes me confident that I'll be back on the road bike in anger (so to speak) a lot sooner than the original four weeks I could have expected on the most optimistic time frame.
So what am I trying to say?
By living a relatively healthy and active lifestyle, we're bettered prepared to cope with any unexpected blips that come our way. I discovered pilates, yoga and plain old stretching in the months following a bad accident n 2009, and I firmly believe the gentle program of exercises has helped me both physically and mentally. Not just then, but forever since.
And that's today's somewhat rambling update completed.